We are a grassroots community organization dedicated to youth and the working class. We've based our work around feedback received from a community-wide survey, and have developed a Six Point Program that covers the issues facing our community.
1. We fight for an immediate end to police brutality and
harassment. The unfair treatment and racial profiling of our
neighborhood will not be tolerated.
2. We fight for an end to cuts to community services. Our
communities need a drastic increase in funding for daycares,
schools and community centers. We oppose the cuts that both
levels of government are threatening.
3. We fight for well-maintained housing. The Toronto Community
Housing Corporation (TCHC) is hundreds of millions of dollars
behind in repairs. We refuse to live in a state of disrepair, pests and
4. We fight for an end to unfair rent increases. These increases
regularly exceed city regulations. We also fight to reverse the
trend of rent subsidies being cut for low-income and working class
5. We fight against the removal of public housing projects.
In the current economic crisis, we need even more affordable
housing. We are opposed to the “revitalization” of Regent Park and
Lawrence Heights. Hundres of subsidized units have been replaced
with condominiums for the profit of developers. Any community
redevelopment must be under the control of residents, not of condo
6. We fight for better jobs. Given the high levels of low-paying
and unstable jobs in our community, fighting for decent conditions
of employment is central to our work. We believe unionization is
the best way in which we can improve the standards of living and
conditions of employment for working class people.